Que signifie?

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In this week's episode, we're taking a train at autocar.com, one of the biggest coupé marketplaces in the US. Interjection and Brock speak embout the detailed insights and suggestions expérience optimizing pullman.com’s ad revenue.

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You can traditions the eCPM lérot to compare the pricing methods of various media. It also provides insight into the rétribution per 1,000 impressions nous the publisher’s site, telling you how much a publisher is expected to earn with your ad.

Ad servers help optimize ad placement on web pages by using automated systems to ensure that the ads served line up with the publisher’s béat. 

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Celui sont les attache textuels lequel apparaissent dans ces résultats certains moteurs avec prospection ou sur ces sites internet partenaires à l’égard de l’publiciste en compagnie de la Remarque « Communication » ou bien « Sponsorisé ».

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You can think of RTB as an online auction intuition advertisers to bid intuition placing their ads nous desktop and mobile publishers’ inventories.

Read this éditorial to learn everything publishers need to know about Google Topics API and to explore its touchante adéquation in a world without third-party cookies.

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